Young Cheesemonger of the YEar
Meet The Finalists
4:15pM (BST) FRIDAY 13th October – Virtual event
About this event
Cheesemongers are the unsung heroes of the culinary world, with their deep knowledge and passion for all things cheese. These dedicated individuals are the ones who bring us the myriad of flavours, textures, and aromas that make up the wonderful world of cheese.
Join us as we announce this year’s finalists in our global search for Young Cheesemonger of the Year. We will also be chatting to some of the finalists and getting to know them ahead of the competition finals, which takes place at the World Cheese Awards in Norway on 27th October 2023.
The award was established to promote cheese knowledge and provide career development within the industry and is open to all cheesemongers around the world, under the age of 30.
Having already beaten off a large pool of talented entries, the finalists will now go forward to compete against their peers across four rounds.
Image right: last year’s Young Cheesemonger of the Year, Aimee Rogers, with Richard Newton-Jones of Snowdonia Cheese Company, sponsors of the award.

The rounds will comprise: delivery of the rationale behind their initial cheeseboard selection; demonstration of their “cut and wrap” skills; a cheese identification round, and the final round “MasterRind” – a quiz, about cheeses from around the world.
Please note, all events and speakers are subject to change or alteration.
Tasting Toolkit
Three useful tools from the Academy Of Cheese to help you taste cheese like a pro before, during and after the Big Cheese Weekender.
Connect & Share
If you like what you see and eat, please shout about it on social media using the hashtag #BigCheeseWeekender. And do please keep buying good cheese: now, for the festival and afterwards!