The changing face of British cheese with Max Melvin of La Fromagerie

8.00pm sunday 25th april

Join Max Melvin of legendary cheesemongers La Fromagerie as he explores new v old wave cheeses, taking us on a whistle-stop tour of what was, what is and what’s next for British artisan cheese.

Steamed Live on @lafromagerieuk

Taste along

Taste along with the following cheese, all available to order as a bundle from La Fromagerie cheesemongers or online shop.

  • Kirkham’s Lancashire
  • Montgomery’s Cheddar
  • Stichleton
  • Elrick Log
  • Baron Bigod
  • St James
  • Beenleigh Blue
  • Gorwydd Caerphilly

Tasting Toolkit

Three useful tools from the Academy Of Cheese to help you taste cheese like a pro before, during and after the Big Cheese Weekender.

Connect & Share

If you like what you see and eat, please shout about it on social media using the hashtag #BigCheeseWeekender. And do please keep buying good cheese: now, for the festival and afterwards!