
Caseificio La Via Lattea: Risotto Masterclass with Chef Francesco Palieri

3.30pm Saturday 8th October

Take a timeless classic like risotto, add award-winning cheese, Ol Sciür, a berry goat’s blue cheese… and smash it! Join Lorenzo and Francesco as they deconstruct this unconventional cheese, and bring it together in harmony with this elaborately prepared risotto.

Cook along

Take a timeless classic like risotto, add award-winning cheese, Ol Sciür, a berry goat’s blue cheese… and smash it! Join Lorenzo and Francesco as they deconstruct this unconventional cheese, and bring it together in harmony, with this elaborately prepared risotto.

k the red button to watch.

Tasting Toolkit

Three useful tools from the Academy Of Cheese to help you taste cheese like a pro before, during and after the Big Cheese Weekender.

Where to buy Cheese Directory

Looking for a local place to buy cheese? We are building a directory of Cheese Makers & Mongers to help you find the cheese you need.

Where to buy Cheese Directory

Connect & Share

If you like what you see and eat, please shout about it on social media using the hashtag #BigCheeseWeekender. And do please keep buying good cheese: now, for the festival and afterwards!


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