Lynher Dairies
Nettling A Cheese: The Secret to Not Getting Stung
7:00pM (BST) Sunday 15th October: virtual event
About this event
Cornish Yarg is possibly the most beautiful cheese in the World. Lynher Dairy forage two tonnes of stinging nettles every year from local woodlands, hedgerows and fields in spring, which are then handbrushed onto their multi-award winning Cornish Yarg cheese.

Get an insider’s view of this craftmanship and find out how they contribute to the finish of this exquisite British cheese, with this exclusive recording of the nettlers in action.
nb: You will need to crank up the volume to get the most out of this video (it was filmed in a working dairy after all!). After the video ends, press the Instagram Live Big Red Button to watch Otto Mead in action!

Otto’s Ultimate Three-Cheese Toastie
Then it’s into the kitchen to join Otto as he shows you his take on the ultimate comfort food – his extra-oozy three-cheese toastie.
Tasting Box – only £15!
Lynher Dairies are offering their Big Cheese Weekender tasting box for you to taste along with the masterclass and then use what’s left to re-create Otto’s masterpiece. The box includes three wedges (200g each) of our Cornish Yarg, Cornish Kern and Stithians cheeses at the discounted price of just £15.
Please note, all events and speakers are subject to change or alteration.
Tasting Toolkit
Three useful tools from the Academy Of Cheese to help you taste cheese like a pro before, during and after the Big Cheese Weekender.
Connect & Share
If you like what you see and eat, please shout about it on social media using the hashtag #BigCheeseWeekender. And do please keep buying good cheese: now, for the festival and afterwards!